(I’m taking a little break from The Blog-tember Challenge to get back to some of my normal blog content.)
Today is technically the last Friday of summer–isn’t that crazy?! We’ve already had a few fall temps around here and I always associate September with fall, but it feels crazy knowing that fall won’t truly be here until next week. If only the true fall temperatures would come with it.
As usual, I’m linking up with Andrea today for Friday Favorites!
Opening day of dove season.
This was my first opening day to experience and it was pretty exciting! We all sat around in the corn field checking our phones for noon to roll around. Once it did, there were so many gun shots it was exciting!
A selfie stick.
My dad bought my sister and I a selfie stick and Dustin and I played around with it yesterday after school. He was loving it! I can see this being used a lot in the future.
Cleaning up outside.
Evening weather this week has been wonderful. Even though I had on shorts and a t-shirt, I really could have put on a sweatshirt or leggings. Dustin got a few shots of me sweeping. Then I decided to sweep the corners on our porches and in our garages to keep things clean. I’ll be decorating our porch for fall today when I get home from school-can’t wait!
What are some of your favorite things right now?