I’ve been participating in the She Reads Truth Advent Devotion this year. I’ve really enjoyed the reading each day–especially the first twenty days or so because it showed the different types of Christ and how Jesus was always better–Jesus is the true and better Adam, Abel, Abraham, Melchizedek, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Passover Lamb, Moses, Manna, Job, Boaz, David, Esther, and Jonah. I can’t pick a favorite devotion because they were all so wonderful! I really loved the commentary from day 23, and I wanted to share it with you:
“Since Adam and Eve ate the fruit God told them not to, every generation has groaned with the pains of childbirth, longing to be delivered from the effects of their first parents’ fall (Romans 8:22). And now, our deliverer has come. He is the hero of our story, the perfect spotless lamb sent to adorn the doorposts of our hearts with his own blood (1 Peter 1:17-21, Exodus 12:22).
He is the descendent from Eve sent to crush the head of the deceiver (Genesis 3:15). He is Isaac’s ram caught in the thicket, God’s perfectly timed provision of a substitute (Genesis 22:13). He is the heir of Abraham’s line–born by a miracle and filling the world with laughter (Genesis 22:18).
He gave Jacob the gracious gift of a limp to remind him of his weakness (Genesis 32:25). He is the new Joseph, the forgotten brother, unrecognizable in a foreign land (Genesis 42: 8, John 1:11), though He alone possesses the resources needed to satisfy our spiritual famine.
He is our new Moses, sent by God to deliver us from the land of our slavery into our promised inheritance (Exodus 3:7-10). He doesn’t just deliver God’s Law to us (Exodus 34:29), He fulfills it on our behalf–perfectly (Matthew 5:17).
He is the faultless judge who rescues His people from our own waywardness (Judges 2:17, 2 Corinthians 3:4-6). He does what no other judge is able to do–He takes our hearts of stone and gives us hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19–this one is my favorite!).
He is the King the Lord promised to David, a ruler from his own body whose kingdom the Lord would establish forever, ancient and strong (2 Samuel 7:12). He has courage deeper than David (Luke 6:1-5), wisdom greater than Solomon (Luke 11:31), and faith firmer than Elijah (Matthew 4:1-11). He is the remnant growing beneath the smoldering ruins of Judah, the Son to be given, the child to be born (Isaiah 9:6).
He is Immanuel–God with his people (Isaiah 6:13).”
As the Christmas season ends after tomorrow, I hope you haven’t forgotten the real reason of why we celebrate–that God sent His son to live a poor and humble life, but a perfect life; to be our perfect substitute on the Cross; to take the wrath from God that was meant for you and me. Celebrate this!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas,
The Shaneyfelts