It’s the day before the early access NSale and some of us are double checking our plans (and bank accounts) and some of us have no idea what the NSale even is!
Because the nearest Nordstrom is 1.5 hours away in Nashville, I had only occasionally shopped online at Nordstrom in the past. Last year when the sale was beginning and I was reading everyone’s posts on it, I had no idea how major this sale really was. I wasn’t a card holder last year so I had to wait until the sale opened to the public. I really had my eye on three things: a blardigan, Zella leggings, and these Nikes.
I went to Nashville with a friend to shop in Nordstrom the day the sale became public. They had one blardigan in store that wasn’t the color I wanted, the Zella leggings were sold out, and so were the Nikes. Luckily, Victoria had bought an extra blardigan and mailed me one all the way from Texas! #realfriends I never got the leggings and I ended up getting the Nikes online but at a half size too big.
This year was going to be different. I’m now a cardholder and I’ve got a game plan (and a budget ๐). So for those of you who may not know what this sale is all about or why it’s even that big of a deal, this post is for you because I used to be you!
What is the NSale?
The NSale is where Nordstrom takes upcoming fall fashion and puts it on sale! This is different than any other sale because every other store puts clothes on sale when they are going out of season. Nordstrom will put fall/winter clothes on sale now so you can stock up for future months.
Can I still apply for a card?
You can! All of the big fashion bloggers posted that this past Sunday was the last day you could get a credit card, but Loverly Grey posted yesterday on her IG stories that you can still apply!
For those of you who know me well know that I am anti-credit card. Dustin and I pay everything with cash and if we don’t have the money then we don’t buy it. (We’re not really Dave Ramsey followers but do like this aspect of his philosophy.) We actually have one credit card between us that we only use for our Netflix monthly charge and on vacations. But out of complete desperation, I got a Nordstrom credit card in order to shop this sale early. This is what I’m excited about: you can pay it off immediately online. You don’t have to wait for a bill–just pay it off online after you use it. That’s what I like because I do not like any sort of debt!
What are the sale dates?
Early access (those who have the credit card) can shop July 13-20. The sale opens to the public July 21-August 6. All prices go back up on August 7.
When can I see what’s on sale?
You can see the catalog here but it’s not really my favorite. Honestly, you’ll just have to wait until tomorrow and check some of your favorite fashion bloggers because they should have posts tomorrow dedicated to the NSale.
How easy are returns at Nordstrom?
The easiest! It’s free shipping and returns on everything all the time, so it’s worth it to buy something even if you’re not sure it’ll work. Sending back pieces are the easiest to Nordstrom and one of the main reasons why I shop online there.
My Game Plan
Since this is my first time to ever shop the early access part of the sale, I’ve got a few things listed that I want to check to see if they are on sale and the price before I purchase. I suggest thinking about items you need: new jeans, a jacket, Christmas gifts for others. Make a list and get those items first before you start browsing to buy things you really don’t need but want to look at.
Here are the things I’ll be checking pricing or that I’m definitely buying:
-a chunky sweater
-leather leggings
If you’re planning on shopping the sale, I’d love to know what you plan on buying!