Just when we thought our family was complete, we found out it wasn’t…

Finding out this news has literally been the biggest surprise ever. I am officially 12 weeks pregnant today, and we just found out about this baby 3 weeks ago. Isn’t that so crazy?! Even when we found out, I still could not even believe that this was even real. I have been told by multiple doctors that it’s impossible because of how terrible my endometriosis is–this baby is quite literally a miracle. And for the past three weeks, I’ve been guarding my heart in fear that I would miscarry like I did the one time I was pregnant before Harrison.
Dustin was able to go to my most recent doctor’s appointment with me, and he was able to hear the heartbeat :). Our baby has a strong heartbeat and was very active during the ultrasound!
I have had a wide array of emotions during this pregnancy–like worrying how Harrison would handle the news but also worrying about the things people might say to us (and I feel like those were overtaking any sort of excitement I had).
So I did want to address that since it did happen to me at my first doctor’s appointment to confirm this pregnancy. The nurse congratulated me that I would finally have a baby of my own after listening to God telling me to adopt my two boys. First, what she said was incredibly bad theology, but it also was very hurtful. After Harrison was born, I had someone (who I know meant well but it was wrong to say) tell me that since we adopted Harrison, I was going to get pregnant. Like that was the end goal the entire time. No, my goal has always been to be a mom and it didn’t matter how I became a mother. It also makes God sound like a magic genie. Just do this and God will reward you. That’s very wrong thinking about God.
I nicely told the nurse that my boys were my own children, but what she said still bothers me. And maybe because that’s the way some people think about adoption? I am beyond thankful that God built our family through adoption. I think it’s so beautiful. And now that he’s adding to our family biologically, I’m trusting in Him because I know everything He does is for my good and His glory.
So here we are–bringing a baby into our family in March when Banks will be 14 months old and Harrison will be 5. I am so thankful that Harrison is super excited and Banks has no clue ha! We are really excited, and we welcome any and all prayers as we navigate a new time in our lives!

I wanted to share this candid even though Dustin’s arm was in the way–sweet boys!