This weekend did not start out the way I had planned. Dustin was on nights this weekend so I had all of my nights planned out. My original plan for Friday night was having Dustin arrange the hay bales on the porch before he left for work, a round of disc golf with my dad, and then going to get mums to put on the hay bales on the porch.
Well, I woke up Friday morning sick–as in stomach bug sick! I originally thought it was the stomach virus but every time I’ve gotten that, I’ve always thrown up, too. Maybe TMI, but there was no throwing up ha. It was hard getting ready for school between having to run to the bathroom. Then when I got to school, I actually felt fine all of first period. But once second period started, I got sick again. It’s hard to teach and have the stomach bug at the same time–especially when your classroom isn’t near a bathroom. I had planned on just toughing it out all day but it started getting worse. I told myself if I could just make it to my planning and get some copies made for Monday (I have a guy from Boston flying in to observe me and another teacher at my school Monday), then I would leave. I’m glad I left to go home for the rest of the day! I ended up falling asleep around 2:00 and after I woke up, I felt better. It must have just been a stomach bug since I was sick from about 5:30 am – 2 pm.
So here’s what I did Friday evening:
I didn’t think I had the energy to run my scheduled 5 miles on Saturday, so I went to Walmart instead to do our grocery shopping. It surprised me to see people grocery shopping before 7 am!
My town had its annual Depot Days festival Saturday. This is part of downtown. This year they only had vendors lining one side of the road which I think cleared out a lot of congestion. They lined vendors up all over downtown instead of just on Main Street. It was HOT out this year! Dustin and I didn’t get any pictures together at Depot Days because it was too hot to even think about smiling for a picture.
Mom and I headed out to Bridge Street Saturday afternoon to do a little shopping. I was hoping to pick up something for pictures with Dustin, but I just didn’t find anything I absolutely loved. I told my mom that I wasn’t really sure what I wanted but I would know it as soon as I saw it.
I wanted this dress from Anthro, but I had just spent a bunch of money earlier so I knew if it wasn’t for pictures, then I didn’t need it. (It was really hard for me to walk away from that dress. Like really hard. Especially since I could have gotten it for 20% off.)
Can’t you see me wearing this dress with mustard tights and my cognac Frye booties??
I tried on this top from The Loft because I thought maybe I wanted plaid? All they had was an XS or L, so I grabbed the large and didn’t like how it looked on me. It was too boxy and a little too short for how baggy it was on me.
I’ve never worn plaid before but I see how cute everyone looks in it–and I want to look cute, too! Well, plaid is not for me. I’ll just admire how well everyone looks in their plaid while I wear something not plaid ๐
I finally decorated our porch! I bought yellow and orange mums, so I can’t wait for them to bloom. And those are the ceramic pumpkins from Kroger that I had to have.
And I baked a cake Saturday night. Remember when I said that my dream would be do write a cookbook someday? Since I wrote that dream down, I’ve decided to make it a goal and have started collecting my favorite recipes and changing them up to make them mine! This will be something I really work on once I finish grad school.
Look for the recipe for this tomorrow!
I went to church on Sunday and decided to wear my flower jumpsuit since it was the last day of summer. It’s fall now! Yay!!